National Science Week - Let's Get Experimental!
Date & Time
Sessions commencing from Thu, 15 Aug 2024, 4:00 PM
5B Cromwell Street, Glenroy VIC 3046
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Phone: 03 9304 3910
Glenroy / Thu, 15 Aug, 2024 – 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Glenroy Neighbourhood House – Administration 03 9304 3910
STEM Birds - Scratch Block Programming
Category / Interest
Science Children's activities (10-15) 3D Design
As part of National Science Week supported and funded by The Royal Society of Victoria and Neighbourhood House Victoria, Glenroy NH will host STEM Birds to get children aged 7 years of age and up. Learn amazing coding skills with Scratch block programming.
Participants for this activity MUST bring their own device to participate in this activity, with a Scratch account set up. Laptop/iPad/tablet
Further details for the activity will be emailed to participants closer to the date.
Upcoming Dates
Sessions commencing from Aug 15, 2024
About The Provider
Glenroy Neighbourhood House
Glenroy Neighbourhood House is a Neighbourhood House that works within the frameworks of community development and education. We offer digital literacy courses, language, health and well-being activities, and opportunities for young people.
Glenroy Neighbourhood House has its origins in 1978 when staff at Broadmeadows Community Health Centre found many of their clients required language and literacy skills. The Council of Adult Education (CAE) was approached to train volunteer literacy tutors for an adult literacy program in Glenroy. The program, delivered by volunteers in the Glenroy Library, was one of the first in the country.
Terms & Conditions
In order to provide a safe and welcoming environment for staff, participants and visitors at Glenroy Neighbourhood House (GNH):
- Staff, participants and visitors will treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times;
- Anti-social behaviour, including harassing staff, participants or visitors is not permitted. This includes the use of offensive or threatening language and the making of threats;
- Behaviour or language which offends, insults, humiliates or intimidates another person or group of people on the basis of race, ethnic origin, gender, age or disability, or is disruptive in any way will not be tolerated.
The information provided by GNH on these pages is provided as a guide only. It is intended to assist you with your participation in our education, training and community activities. All information is provided in good faith and to the best of our abilities, however, we cannot guarantee there are no mistakes or errors. We reserve the right to cancel classes and make amendments and changes to this information at any given time.
Privacy Policy
Glenroy Neighbourhood House (GNH) respects and upholds your right to privacy in the way we collect, store and use the information you provide to us. Information we collect from you is held in accordance with information privacy laws and the GNH Privacy Policy.
The GNH Privacy Policy requires staff and Committee members to be consistent and careful in the way they manage what is written and said about individuals, and how they decide who can see or hear this information. The GNH Privacy Policy can be viewed on request.
Third Party Reporting: As part of our relationship with government departments, funding partners and referral agencies, we are required to collect and provide them with a range of program / project data and information.
If a third party (agency, employer or other organisation) is paying for or funding a course / activity, please be aware we may provide them with information as required and in compliance with privacy laws.